Simply place your curser at the line you want to split the slide with and hold down the option key and hit Enter (or return). Next time use the Option+Enter (or Return) when editing. Have you ever wanted to make one slide split into two slides before? You would have to duplicate the slide, delete half the text of the first one and the second half of the text on the your new duplicated slide? That’s even confusing to type. ProPresenter Tip #4: Option Button + Editor

It will only trigger the slides and not the background element.

When you’re planning out a song and you’ve placed a few motion backgrounds in your song, but in the moment you want to trigger the slide without triggering the background, just hold down the option button when you trigger that slide and it won’t trigger a new background. ProPresenter Tip #3: Option Button + Backgrounds Related Article: The Technology behind the London Olympics Opening Ceremonies Allowing for really creative opportunity to make it feel more like a long play between two visuals than two different looping motion backgrounds.
Transitions are what make everything look smooth and professional in any well put together presentation, and you may be thinking “I know about transitions” But did you know you could type into the box whatever number you want (for example 60) which would be a minute long transition. You can setup a playlist for that song and control the entire program without using your mouse. Using the arrow keys will trigger the next slide, but if you’re holding down the command button and click the arrows, it will trigger the next background! This is extremely helpful if you are trying to have really smooth and perfectly timed out visuals that aren’t exactly at the start of a slide! (like the song Oceans by Hillsong). So here are my 6 ProPresenter Tips for Easter Built with churches in mind, ProPresenter is a lyric and media presentation package designed to help make powerful worship productions easy.
As a ProPresenter user myself, I’ve learned a few things that help me save time, make presentations look better and find the pieces of the program I need without having to use a mouse too much. Description: Free Playback Media Starter Pack with Software Purchase - over 600 of Media Plus, a free upgrade to ProPresenter 6 for all ProPresenter 5 purchases on or after March 25, 2015. Many of you in our community use ProPresenter on a regular basis, and we thought it would be fun to share 6 hidden ProPresenter Tips and Tricks that you may not have known about just in time for Easter.